"All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come. You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made." ( Job 14:15 )
This is one of my "life verses" - it's actually my "go-to" when I'm scared or sad, when I need to fall asleep, when my heart needs a good preaching to. These words have sustaining power. Yeah, a golden promise, seriously, right there smack in the middle of Job.
Humans are born needing a strong identity, purpose, meaning, satisfaction, morality, a way to deal with suffering, and hope.
The human heart longs for hope.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." ( Ecclesiastes 3:11 )
Aye yes, the divine hiddenness, but many precious truths God has nestled in our hearts, in plain view.
Remember what I said in my last blog was the secular answer to the longing for hope? That's right.
"Just try not to think about it too much."
In other words: "Since we are accidents and are here arbitrarily, since there is no purpose for our existence or meaning, you need to come up with your own identity. Of course this won't be strong enough to sustain a napkin, but it's all we've got. Live with it. Morality just mysteriously appeared, love is an illusion our brains need to survive, and as for that hope you have in your heart, you know the one for love to be real and to live for all eternity with that love, well, just try not to think about it too much."
Pretend I'm Google or whatever search engine you use.
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Longing means to yearn for in love. So guess what? In all of our constant yearning to live forever with someone who will love us to our "dirty" core, God satisfies that ache in the resurrection of his Son, our hope is fulfilled in him. He is saying to us, "I'm yearning for you too."
"for the creature my hands have made."
Please think about this today:
Not only does the truth of God's longing for us and preparing a resurrection for our bodies, where he will call our name and we will rise to live with him for all eternity, give us hope, but it gives our lives meaning, purpose, satisfaction, a place to root the moral code inside of us, and a way to deal with the suffering we face.
In the Old Testament in the middle of the greatest of human suffering, God reveals through that pain the beauty and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Job cries out that he knows his Redeemer lives and at last will stand upon the earth. Job is saying in essence, "Your love is so intense; you won't let me stay dead." "Every verse whispers his name." Even in Job. (1) ( Job 19:25 )
Regardless of what secularism is suggesting, they certainly aren't backing up their claims with anything of substance for the neediness that haunts the human soul. Because Christianity does, it is a reasonable faith. It is a livable faith.
It is a faith we can live with!
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ answers all of our needs, and the greatest hope of the human heart is fulfilled to overflowing. Longing for eternity with our Creator was God's idea. He put the hope in our hearts in the first place. He's the hunger and the feast.
One day when he calls, we will rise, all of us in Christ, the creatures he longs for.
We can live in light of this sustaining truth today and everyday until that glorious moment.
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" A thousand times, Yes!"
( 1 ) The Jesus Storybook Bible; Every Verse Whispers His Name by Sally Lloyd-Jones
Bible verses from ESV
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