Monday, July 22, 2024

The Greatest Show on Earth Part 3

The Word of Faith Movement 

"Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good." ( 2 Peter 4:19 ) 

I'm blogging a series right now on the The Word of Faith Movement / Prosperity Gospel, and this weekend, Lord willing, I hope to publish a concise blog on the history of the movement - the roots and how they came to be formulated by E.W. Kenyon. 

This morning though I wanted to address a couple of consequences from this movement for us to think about this week. 

One of the core doctrines of the Word of Faith movement, and I'll list them all this weekend, there's five Kenyon formulated, is that the atonement of Jesus Christ secured for us health and wealth is this life, not just the next, and we can have this perfect health and wealth by our positive confession with the God kind of faith.

Now here's the harmful effects of teaching this to people: 

1.) It's found no where in the Bible, so they're being taught a false narrative instead of God's Word and if followed, can never end well. In fact Jesus said that in this life we will have trouble, but to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. We're going to have trouble, but he's giving us a way through it. His purpose was not to eliminate trouble, but to perfect his sheep through it. ( John 16:32-33 ) 

2.) It breeds an attitude of superiority. Have you ever heard a WOF preacher brag while preaching that they never get sick and have lots of money and a jet or are a multi-millionaire? "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." ( James 4:6 ) "Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." ( 1 Peter 5:5 ) 

3.) It looks down on people when they get sick, telling them that the sickness is their fault, not God's. Of course no one is going to argue that anything is God's fault, so by saying this, they are already condemning people and placing them in an impossible situation. But if people just knew their Bibles they would understand the complexity of sickness and suffering that God has allowed in his creation and at the same times does not indict God in any way. ( 2 Peter 4: 19 ) 

4.) It bears false witness. Word of Faith preachers always set up a straw man saying that others who don't hold to their theology, walk around saying that they are sick all the time instead of praying and believing they are healed. 

"Sir, no Christian is doing this. I have never seen a Christian outside of your WOF doctrine that when they were diagnosed with a sickness didn't pray for themselves and tell others to pray as well, call to get on a prayer chain, and call their pastor and elders to come anoint them with oil, lay hands on them, and pray for them as well as "entrust their lives to their faithful Creator." ( Again, it's that air of superiority. ) 

5.) To me this is the most reprehensible: It views God and our relationship with him as mechanical and cold. God just exists to "work" for us, to give us "results." 

6.) Since WOF doctrine teaches that it is not God's will for people to suffer and it is always God's will to heal and make one wealthy in this life, people are not prepared for suffering. When people go through suffering in these churches, they usually do one of these things because they have not been properly taught what God's Word says about suffering:

A.) Sink into depression because the faith formula didn't "work" for them as the pastors said that it should. Even though they may experience a spiritual meltdown, they remain in the church, believing that they were the ones who brought this on themselves as they've been told by leaders. They continue to believe the false narrative, becoming victims of spiritual abuse. 

B.) They get the heck out of Dodge and find the Truth and a gospel-centered church. 

C.) They leave the church, but do not find the Truth because they don't want anything to do with that kind of a God. They walk away from the faith. They deconstruct. The internet is full of their stories. Can we blame them? 

My hope is to unpack the main doctrines of the word-faith movement throughout this series, but this morning, I just believe we all need to be reminded of the truth. 

And yes, sometimes we do cause our suffering. When I was abusing alcohol I brought a whole host of suffering into my life, but that doesn't mean that God can't redeem it. He can and does through Jesus! That's the purpose of the cross! 

Repent and believe that Jesus forgives you because he does. Entrust yourself to your faithful Creator today! He loves you so much that he sent his Son to pay for your sins and to bring you to him. 

There is a cost to following Jesus - there always has been.  

And we can trust him with it. 

Jesus was and is and always will be "the greatest show on earth." 

Stay biblical, my friends! 

Carry on! 

Happy Monday! 

Healing Brook Farm is a firm supporter in doctors and medicine! And also super thankful for the healing ministry that God built into the body's immune system. Huge bark out to Bedford Animal Hospital 

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