Monday, August 5, 2024

Better Than Life

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." ( James 1:12 ) 

My animals remain steadfast whenever I receive a phone call on our morning walk in the only signal spot. lol

I'd like to think that things get better in this life, but is that a promise in Scripture? And what is God's definition of "better" anyway? 

And just because I believe something long enough does that mean I can make it happen? That sounds more like mind-over-matter science than trusting our all-sufficient, all-knowing and loving God. 

Oh yeah, one day in Heaven, things will be "more better" than any of us could possibly imagine. But for now we are told by the Apostle Peter: 

Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good." ( 1 Peter 4:19 ) 

For twenty years I felt like I did good by praying fervently for my son's mental illness to get better. I believed it would, at times I believed so much it hurt while his illness got progressively worse. To watch your child suffer is not something I would ever wish upon anyone. Although nothing I know of can drive us deeper into the love and dependence of God. One day, I realized that even though his illness wasn't getting better, I was. 

And then, best of all, I realized he was. 

The mental illness still remained, but he was handling it better. He eventually consented to a regular doctor and therapist, and they found the right medicine. He beat an alcohol addiction. He and his wife bought their first home and moved in with their two fur babies. They both teach in the county's public school system. They work out together at a local gym in a community hustling and bustling with people from all over the world, with the coolest farmer's market and street tacos ever. 

Anxiety still comes at times, insomnia and hypochondria, the things bi-polar patients are prone to experience and learn to combat, but they work through them together. 

Every member of our family is on Team Johnny and Melissa, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, grandparents, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, nieces, and extended family. 

This year in my birthday card Johnny wrote, "I'm searching for the Lord again." 

Twenty years ago I begged God to make things better. 

And he answered my prayer by not making "things" better, but by leaving things alone and making "us" better. 

I don't know what lies ahead in this life for our family, but I''m beginning to learn God's definition of "better" and I see that it is way "better" than mine. 

Happy Weekend, Friends! 

His lovingkindness is better than life. ( Psalm 63 ) 

Misha and Kisha from the archives. 

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