Monday, September 23, 2024


Many times when I start out feeding in the mornings there's this thin, delicate mist that drapes the blue hills in front of the farm. I took special notice of its fragile beauty one particular morning last week. I turned away to top off the cows' water trough and hook Aslan on his leash. When I turned back around, the mist was gone. 

It was a sorrowful walk. I had just heard the news about Dr. Steven Lawson stepping down from ministry after confessing to an inappropriate relationship with another woman, and although I had only listened to a few of his sermons and read two of his books, I have respect for him. I've seen the word "shock," a lot, and that's exactly how I felt. 

As I followed behind Aslan's big, shaggy tail along the narrow cattle path that extends the length of the front field, through the damp grass and the gathered geese, I tried to process the shock. I knew it would take awhile. I felt no unforgiveness or anger or anything of that nature; what I felt was sobriety. 

"Dear God, no one is safe." 

If I had strayed at all in my thinking that I couldn't fall into any sordid, seedy sin, think again. This news threw me back to the gospel center. 

It reminds me that I have a job to do as a follower of Jesus - there's a cost to discipleship - but at the same time I know there is no way I can do it on my own. 

" out your own salvation in fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure." ( Philippians 2:12-13 ) 

Whether we acknowledge it or not, every breath, every heartbeat, every step, is a gift from God. ( James 1:17 ) In the same way, as a believer now empowered by the Holy Spirit forever, we have a new desire and ability to obey, but we must still depend on him to help us carry this thing out. We don't "got this." ( John 14-16 ) 

Sometimes I run ahead through the tall grasses with neck-breaking speed only to be caught by the back of my flannel farm shirt in a moment of trauma as the shock reverberates my entire being, "Hey, where do you think you're going? Get back to the Center." 

I love the expression, "We are becoming what we are" in this "already, but not now kingdom." Work out your own salvation, but it is HE who works in you. The Holy Spirit is doing the sanctifying, but he isn't going to do it without us. Every day, one step at a time, we have to walk in step with the Spirit. ( Galatians 5:16-26 ) 

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." ( 2 Corinthians 13:14 ) 

On an application level of what this looks like daily: read and study our Bibles deeply; God only gave us one Book. Are we really getting to know it? "Pray without ceasing." ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16 ) Be in constant communication with our Heavenly Father, humbly acknowledging our dependence on Him every second of every day and on the righteousness of his Son imputed to us in which none of this sanctification into his image would be possible for these fading, misty lives of ours. Time is of the essence. 

Sober up. 

Carry on.

Happy Monday.


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