Thursday, November 30, 2023

Glance back; but don't stare

"I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." ( Philippians 1:6 CSB ) 

This morning in my "God Time" I was reminded that in spite of what I may feel about my seemingly slow, bumbling growth in the sanctification process, God is in deed working and will complete the good work he began in me. God is not a quitter. He will complete the work he commands of us. 

I've learned not to stress too much over that paradox and my intellectual anxiety, but to rest my head and heart in the soft feather bed of God's greatness, grace and mystery. He began the work, so he'll finish it. But I believe all throughout the New Testament we are taught to live as if we could lose it at any moment. Is that how precious our salvation is to us? Are we guarding our hearts with that kind of tenacity? Do we take it that serious? 

I think this may offer us a test: 

Sometimes through the struggle in our good fight of faith, (1 Timothy 6:12 ) because it is a battle, we may fail to see how much we really are growing. Here's some encouraging words in my devotional from the great preacher Charles Spurgeon: 

"The Lord knows how to educate you up to such a point that you can endure in years to come what you could not endure today; just as today He may make you to stand firm under such a burden, which ten years ago, would have crushed you into the dust." 

I find this helpful, but also humbling. I cringe at words I wrote as short as five years ago, things I thought and said and did. Even a year ago. 

I've experienced this humility and come to understand that it is a part of the growth process; if we are consistently being humbled with these growing pains, we are actually on the right track - Scripture refers to it as "the path of life." ( Psalm 16:11, Matthew 7:13-14 ) 

The good news is that we can see the fruit of our growth not only in our deeper understanding of the Bible and devotion to Jesus, but in our ability to handle with more poise, strength, and wisdom the increasing intensity of the fiery trials that come our way. ( 1 Peter 4:12-19 ) 

So be encouraged today. Yes, we may look back and shudder, but we all start out as infants after we are born again. We drink milk and fall a lot before we are able to stand and eat meat. 

This knowledge should motivate us and reassure us at the same time, and also increase our grace for one another. 

Happy Thursday. 💜

Happy 57th birthday, Kathy - It's hard to believe almost twenty years have passed. I'm running the best I can. I still miss you terribly and look forward to the day we worship at the throne together. 💕

Aslan looks out over his kingdom 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Silent Purposes

"For God alone my soul waits in silence," Psalm 62:1 

A couple of weeks ago I shared thoughts from my journal on the divine hiddenness of God and argued how this silence is actually not God avoiding us or proof that God doesn't exist, but is in fact the very way that God chooses to pursue us. The same lovingly way a groom woos his future bride. 

There is divine purpose in the hiddenness of God. 

This Psalm in my reading today is my responds back to God:

"For God alone my soul waits in silence, from him comes my salvation." 

In the silence, I will wait in silence. As I wait in the silence, I will remember the goodness of God in my life. 

How he saved me. How he sought me when I didn't or couldn't seek for him. How he rescued me by his grace just the way I was, uniting me to his Son, and then how he began to carefully clean me up and change me into the image of Jesus. 

How he's always been working toward that end goal. 

How he's never left me nor forsaken me. How he pours out his mercy every morning in the rising of the sun in my backyard until it sets behind the blue mountains in front of my home and afterward as the stars begin to take shape and twinkle over all the hairs of my head. Because he knows those too. 

How no matter what happens, he is only, always working for my good, to make me like Christ. 

I remember his creation that surrounds me every day and how soothing it is when I'm suffering to have dogs lick my face and stay close beside me during chores. How healing it is to feed chickens and ducks and geese and marvel at their brilliant design, to bury my nose in the warm, musky smell of a sheep's fleece and remember that I'm the one Jesus left the flock to go find. 

I remember how he has answered my prayers throughout the years, not in what I asked for in my limited knowledge, but in His, often perplexingly painful, perfect ways that have ended extravagantly in treasures I could have never known to seek. 

The dynamics of such an interwoven web beyond all knowledge baffle my mind and cause tears to spill forth. Tears God bottles for future use. 

As I remember all of his goodness, my tears of joy turn to tears of repentance because I have taken so much for granted. 

I go through my life and remember his faithfulness to me in every season. 

Something supernatural happens while we wait in silence. 

We strengthen.  

Maybe that's what God wants us to do. 

Maybe that's another divine purpose in the hiddenness. 

Maybe he's waiting on us too. 💜

"For God alone my soul waits in silence, from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken." Psalm 62:1-2 

These masterpieces grace our fence line. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Jesus Our Emmanuel

"By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God," ( 1 John 4:2 ) 

What makes Christianity different from every other religion in the world is the resurrection. Our leader does have a tomb like the other founders, only his is empty. 

Sadly in the past century many churches in America's mainline Christian denominations have rejected belief in the supernatural in order to become more culturally friendly to "enlightened" modern minds. In doing so they have cut the very heart out of the Christian faith. I'm not sure what is left, but it's not Christianity. And a faith emptied of its power will never satisfy the longings of the empty human soul nor can it wash away its sin, guilt, and shame without an empty tomb. It becomes little more than self-help. 

However, thankfully, ours is a supernatural faith from start to finish. There's no getting around it. 

"And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." ( 1 Corinthians 15:14 ) 

"And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." ( 1 Corinthians 15:17 ) 

"But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead." ( 1 Corinthians 15:20 ) 

 Our redeemer lives. The Good News of the gospel is that Jesus Christ has resurrected from the dead.  

But we first must have a baby. 

A God baby. One who is mysteriously to us fully man and at the same time fully God. 

Born of a virgin. 

He comes as one of us, sleeping in a manger. Little did man know this is how the greater comes into the filth and sin of the lesser, surrounded by manure and smelly, ruminant cattle breath. I love cows, but their breath is gross if you've ever smelled it. His initial visitors were keepers of sheep from the poorest ranks of society while the wealthiest and most powerful were left to travel miles and wonder much or plot his murder. 

Jesus couldn't just show up as a 33 year old God man if he was to be our propitiation, voluntarily sacrificing himself in our place. He must start as a humble, helpless infant, growing from a toddler into an adolescent and into a man, experiencing everything we experience, even our temptations, living the perfect, obedient life as he suffered and struggled in our messy world before he ever got to the horrific execution that we deserved  

Some religions and individuals say that they just can't believe in the doctrine of the incarnation - Jesus becoming flesh - because God is so great that he would never lower himself like that. But don't you see? This is what makes the incarnation so believable and so great.  

The Greater has come down to the lesser. 

The Greater has lowered himself for us, coming as a servant, stepping inside of vulnerable human flesh. We can not reach God. The lower does not remotely possess the ability to go up, but the Greater can come down. And he did. Jesus became a man whose flesh we can touch. ( Romans 3:10-18, Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 53:1-3 ) 

Yes, Jesus Christ is arguably the most influential person to ever live, in fact, touching every single facet of human existence, from art to literature to music to human rights to healthcare to education to missions of mercy to family life to work ethics to science to the dignity of women and children even to holidays, and the list continues. It's astounding. The evidence surrounding the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ is overwhelming and everyone owes it to themselves to investigate his claims. Please. It would be foolish not to with all that is at stake. 

Not only did he touch every generation and culture in the history of mankind, but he touched our pain and sorrows with his flesh. He carried our guilt, shame, and sins in his flesh. Unless Jesus comes in the flesh there is no resurrection, no remission of sins.

Nothing for the angels to announce or rejoice about; no peace with God on earth, goodwill toward men.  No Christmas. 

"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, " ( 1 Corinthians 15:20 ) The Apostle Paul goes on to tell us that one day the end will come, and so will Christ. Again. For us. For God's children. This time not as a baby, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And we too will be resurrected from the dead, given imperishable bodies because Jesus's body was resurrected, and he is the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 

John, the disciple and apostle, writes possibly some of the most glorious words in the Scriptures in the Revelation of Jesus Christ: "for you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth." ( 5:10 ) 

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold I am making all things new.... these words are trustyworthy and true.'" ( 21:4-6 )

But first we must have a baby. 💜

"Christ, by highest Heaven adored; 

Christ the everlasting Lord:

Late in time, behold Him come,

Offspring of a virgin’s womb.

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;

Hail the incarnate Deity,

Pleased with us in flesh to dwell,

Jesus our Emmanuel.

Hark! the herald angels sing,
'Glory to the newborn King!'” 

Charles Wesley 

Cranberry bread from my sister in law 

Monday, November 20, 2023


A friend asked me recently what I thought someone should look for when deciding on a church, specifically, how could they know if the church they were visiting preached a false gospel. She had been reading my blog. 

I wasn't going to write this, but honestly, it has just vexed my soul to no end. 

I told my friend what I have heard from mentors in the faith: Know your Bible. You can easily spot a counterfeit when you know the Truth. 

I know this may sound facetious, and actually I guess it should be the first thing on the list for potential churches, but we should look for a church where the pastors, teachers, and elders actually open the Bible and teach and preach out of it. You may say that that's just a given, and I say, "You'd be surprised." 

Thirdly, I told her to check out the church's website. Look at what's important to them. Look at their main thing. 

Later on that evening, after everyone was fed and locked in for the night, when the Farmer and I had settled down into our well-worn places on the adjoining couches in the living room, he began to get caught up on the news and reruns of The Rifleman. I usually read, but I had grown a bit curious after speaking with my friend. I decided to check out the website of the prosperity gospel church we attended in Texas over thirty-five years ago. I wondered if they were still around. I thought I'd do some digging. 

I guess I wan't prepared for what I found on the site because it shocked and disturbed me. 

Although I had believed it myself for many years and even at some level instilled it in my young boys, I just couldn't shake it. I kept going through an array of emotions, from angry to sad, and back to anger. I didn't even share it with the Farmer right away. 

The church was still around and sadly had actually grown, planting other campuses in their city. The pastor, now in his seventies, was still the lead pastor and in his testimony and how he had come to found the church there was no mention of Jesus or the Gospel. I'm not sure how one can have a testimony of coming to faith in Christ without Christ. 

Here's what got me; this is a direct quote: "His main message to this day is how to enjoy an Abundant Life, embracing positivity and blessings, something that all of God's children deserve." 

His "main message" is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but a health and wealth, insubstantial false gospel that will never satisfy or sustain the human soul. 

If he was teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that mankind is born hopelessly imputed with sin from our first parents, that Jesus Christ, God himself, took that sin and imputed into himself, that he lived the perfect life we should have lived and died taking our punishment, the death we should have died, that he resurrected from the dead and for all who believe in him, he has imputed with his righteousness making us now beloved children of God, he would be teaching people how to live the true abundant life. ( Ephesians 1 ) 

He has emptied the cross of its power. This is what makes me so sad. People are being led astray and not taught the true, life-giving message of the Gospel. The one Jesus gave his life for us to have. ( Romans 1: 16-17 ) 

This false teaching has to be countered with the Truth. People have to know the Truth. 

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” ( 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 ) 

"For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." ( 1 Corinthians 1:17 ) 

The word "deserve" in this pastor's statement is beyond worrisome. It reveals a lack of understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of the doctrine of original sin, divine grace, and the mercy of God. Even when we are graciously adopted into the family of God by the atoning sacrifice of precious Jesus, we do not ever "deserve" these blessings. 

If we "deserve" anything from God it's condemnation. If we think we "deserve" something from God then we could have just rescued ourselves and saved Jesus the trouble. I hope I don't sound judgmental; I believed this false doctrine for years so I feel I can speak into it. I know how flimsy, prideful, and hopeless it is in the end, but also how tempting it is to believe as it tickles one's ears. 

It has taken me years to deconstruct this theology out of my belief system. I have apologized to my sons profusely over the years, and they have graciously not held it against me. The Farmer reminds me that God will use it for his glory and our good, so if you have believed it too, God not only forgives us, but turns it around to work out for his good purposes. Praise the Lord, God is so good like that. ( Romans 8:28 ) 

Today I am thankful that I go to a church where my pastor's main message is to preach Jesus straight out of the Bible. Since I checked out my former church's website, I've been praying for them. I'm thankful someone was praying for me. 

After the Texas years, the Farmer and I took our sons along with a small group of young adults to Atlanta to the Passion Conference founded by Louie and Shelley Giglio. We found out about the movement from the boy's youth group. The second night a balding, middle-aged pastor took to the stage to speak in the huge arena filled to capacity with college students and young people. I will never forget it. 

I was mesmerized during his sermon. I know, so dramatic. Afterward as we walked back to our hotel rooms, I kept thinking about what the preacher had said. When we got to our room and the kids all went to theirs, I asked the Farmer what he thought about the service. I told him that I had never heard that message before, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

"Why have I never heard that?" I asked him. 

"Babe, that was the Gospel," he said, "You mean you've never heard the Gospel?" 

"I guess not because that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard in my life." 

The preacher was John Piper, yes, he's old now, an oldie, but a goodie, and I bought several of his books and began to study God's Word in a way I never had before that point. I had questions. I had problems in my life. I had a longing to hear more of what he spoke about. I had held to a twisted version of the gospel message that seemed to cloud the Truth, but that night by the mercy of God, my ears were opened to hear the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That is the thing I am most thankful for in my entire life. 

If only one person reads my blog, I will not stop writing. I will not stop being a part of the voices proclaiming the Truth. My Lord and Savior died for it. 

Once we've heard the true Gospel, no counterfeit will satisfy. 

And that's the best answer I can give in looking for a church. 

If the gospel is treasured up in your heart, when you hear it or when you don't hear it, you'll know. 💜

Happy Thanksgiving! 🍗


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Divine Silence

"Truly, you are a God who hides himself, O God of Israel, the Savior." ( Isaiah 45:15 ) 

In the past few decades, after debating with Christians over the famous cosmological and teleological arguments, atheists and skeptics seem to have moved away a bit from the arena of natural theology now launching into a more philosophical argumentation against the existence of God: the divine hiddenness.  

The truth is that believers in God have been struggling themselves with this one since ancient times. 

"Why do you hide your face and count me as your enemy?" ( Job 13:24 ) 

And Psalm 88. 

The only Psalm that starts in silence and ends in silence. Many Bible commentators say that Psalm 88 proves the Bible because if you were trying to convince someone to join your religion why in the world would you include this hopeless lament in your holy book? 

I think we forget that in the beginning God created man to live in a perfect garden environment while enjoying a close personal relationship with him. We are the ones that didn't trust God's divine order, falling into sin because we thought we knew better than the God of the Universe. 

After the fall, we were the ones hiding, not God. 

Some will say, "Why doesn't God just write across the sky 'I am God - here I am!' Or why doesn't he come down and do a bunch of miracles and prove himself to us? Why doesn't he just make himself known plainly?" For one thing, the Bible is clear that seeing is not always believing. ( Luke 16:19-21, Matthew 28:16-20 ) 

Some atheists insist that if a perfectly all-loving God exists then he would make himself plainly known to his creatures, especially to "nonresistant nonbelievers." I'm skeptical about this term. I'm still thinking about it. The debate doesn't take into account any of the other attributes of God. They argue under the assumption that a sentimental love from an obvious God is the best way for him to pursue a loving relationship with his creatures.

Is it? 

What if his divine hiddenness IS how God is showing himself to us? 

Since the Bible so often portrays our relationship to God as a marriage, maybe this is how God knows to best pursue us. Maybe, just maybe, God chooses to reveal himself this way because through the angst and the struggle, a true, beautiful, trusting relationship is formed. Not just crashing into our lives with a lot of noisy fanfare and pollution, but slowly drawing us to himself like a loving groom woos his future bride.

Maybe we've become so fixated on finding him in such a big way that we've missed the whispers and the wooing. When we ask for him to please make himself known to us, maybe he is. Maybe we're the ones missing it. Our lives reflect an adventure or a romance; I'm back to the fairytale. It makes sense God would pursue us in ways that cause us to look inside of our own hearts and wrestle with them. 

Personally, I know full well God pursued me in my waywardness; although at first I couldn't see him. There was darkness and a silence that chased after me and tormented my soul day and night for months until I broke and surrendered to God for help. I realized later, to my astonishment, that God allowed the darkness and the silence to pursue me continually, for my good, to bring me to the end of myself and into his arms for all that I needed. He knew in the midst of those circumstances, I would cry out to him in utter humility. God was in the storm. The deafening thunder was his voice not the enemy's. 

It is never going to be what we expect.

How can it be? God is a infinite, transcendent, holy Being. And we are finite and small with little understanding. And in addition to all this, for now, we see dimly Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians. Why do we think that God is on our level? If I'm being honest, I have no interest in serving a God who is my size and would take directions from me. That's scary. 

This Holy God of ours created the entire universe and set its order and established his purposes within it, and we think we know how things ought to go better than him? How pompous and prideful. 

That doesn't sound like a "nonresistant" attitude; it sounds more like animosity. The Scriptures are clear that those who are humble are the ones who God doesn't resist. "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." ( 1 Peter 5:5-6, James 4:6-7 ) We have to admit we need him if we ever expect to find him. God is under no obligation to show himself to prideful creatures. Or even humble creatures for that matter. But his mercy says he does. 

I've come to believe that divine hiddenness is an important aspect of our faith and of our worship. Some atheists ( and Christians ) think they know how God should best respond to his creatures. This thought displays a misunderstanding of the love of God and takes great liberties in thinking one can figure out God's purposes and procedures in dealing with his 'beloved' children. God alone knows best how to cultivate a relationship with his offspring; He's a perfect Father. 

God may seem hidden to us, but we are never hidden to him nor our pain or brokenness. 

"O LORD all my longing is before you: my sighing is not hidden from you." ( Psalm 38:9 ) 

"Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?" ( Read Psalm 139 )  

God has not only seen all of our sighing, but our sins and our flaws, and he sent Jesus into fallen humanity, as perfect humanity, to live and die for us. 

God did not hide his most beloved treasure from us - His Son. Jesus willingly stepped inside of human baby flesh, hung on a cross and then raised from the dead because he said that he came to do the Father's will. But we must have eyes to see and ears to hear. We can't harden our hearts toward him. 

I've found that the strongest believers in the faith, not the weakest, are those who have wrestled with divine hiddenness. I've found them to be the most devoted disciples of Christ with the most beautiful and trusting relationships with him. I'm drawn to those saints. They have a relationship with Jesus that I long for, and one that I am determined to pursue. 

I've found as I continue to draw near to God in my quiet time with him each day, not allowing anything else to monopolize that space, that he is drawing near to me, revealing himself slowly. This philosophical truth won't convince any nonresistant nonbelievers, but I hope it will inspire them to keep searching and asking questions and to consider praying if they have not already. 

Jesus said: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." ( Matthew 7:7 ) If you are truly seeking God, I believe you will eventually find him. Don't give up. 

This week as the dogs and I made our way to the barn through the frozen cow field, the grass had drooped and was curled over facing the hard soil, their blades burdened underneath a heavy frost. It reminded me that the winter season is once again at hand, relentless in its icy pursuit to find us and crimp us beneath its callous wings.  

A few moments later as the sun began to rise over the beautiful blue ridges, her beams stretched out across the frozen field reflecting a million shimmering diamonds in the frozen ground. It was breath-taking. Silence was given a voice. Darkness had come to light. This is God. 

There is a divine purpose in the hard, hidden tundra of life, in the stillness and the suffering. It is difficult to imagine, but at just the right moment, when divine hiddenness has had its perfect way, God will reveal our glorious sparkles. 


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Living Deserts

"Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow. And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness." ( Isaiah 35:7-8 ) 

"Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living waters.'" ( John 7:38 )

..."whoever drinks of the water I give them, will never be thirsty again." ( John 4:14 ) 

After walking through an unusually dry season here at the farm, it was such a pleasant surprise to wake up yesterday morning to the sound of refreshing raindrops tap dancing on the tin roof of our little cabin. 

As we drove and worked and coughed through the clouds of thick dust surrounding our daily chore routines, I knew eventually, as the sun faithfully rises each day in the east, the rains too would return. They did. And we were better for it. 

When we first come to faith in Christ, we experience such an euphoria of spiritual awakenings and joy in our salvation that we can't possible imagine God ever allowing us to walk through a dry season. We feel now all of life will be these breath-taking, mountain summit views. No desert wildernesses, no dry bone valleys. 

And yet journeys through the parched, sun-baked terrains of life are ironically the exact thing God uses to grow us into lush orchard trees bearing healthy, ripe fruit. If we had never tasted from the streams of living water, how would we know we were dry? How would we know what we are missing?  

You see the simple fact that we have been united to Christ in the first place and tasted his goodness, walked by the Spirit, enjoyed sweet fellowship; the fact that we have experienced his love is proof that we are in him. And he will return us to those sweet waters. In this world we have troubles Jesus taught us, and sometimes it seems disciples of Jesus encounter more than most. 

God allows us to thirst. 


One day my grandson Jonah asked for more juice in his cup at breakfast, and I told him that he could have water because Daddy said only one cup of juice is allowed. He is familiar with the family rules, but you know grandkids and grandparents. The two are forever bending parental stipulations into shimmering rainbows of fun. 

"I don't like water," he said. 

"I bet if you were very thirsty you would love water," I responded.  

I could tell he was thinking.

When we get thirsty we remember and long for those living waters, and we should be willing to dig through all sorts of mud and sediment to get back to them. These dry times of drilling through scorched soil can usher in some of our most meaningful conversations with our Father through tears and questions and waiting. 

They can also strengthen our orthodoxy as we press into the Scriptures with a new tenacity and determination to understand. They cause us to rely on our church family instead of carrying the burdens alone. Strong bonds begin to form out of our loneliness and within our local body. 

More than anything perhaps, dry seasons with God are meant to be growth seasons if we submit to him through the dust and the thorns and thistles instead of collapsing into despair or playing the blame game. 

Dry seasons prepare us for ministry. Like Elijah, we learn a deeper trust in God waiting on the ravens to bring our nourishment in the midst of the drought. 

If we lived out our entire lives in plenty, we would not learn to depend on God. The truth, the reality, that God is our sole provider, protector, and preparer, not just in the wilderness years, but in all our years, would never be found otherwise. 

So in the wilderness we find our humility. We realize that God is not just a bigger version of us. 

The dry earth we walk upon spiritually is Son-baked. This is the most crucial truth to remember in the dry seasons. Jesus has gone before us, so he understands every temptation and feeling of loneliness, rejection, and abandonment.  

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, choosing their way over God's, their sin was imputed to all mankind from that moment on, to every human. We are all born condemned. ( John 3:18 )  Jesus Christ, the perfect lamb of God, came from Heaven and imputed himself with our sin, the sin that resulted from the fall and kept us from the Holy God. 

He lived the perfect life we should have lived, and then dies the death we should have died, in our place, penal, substitutionary atonement. He takes our punishment, satisfying the wrath of God. He is raised from the dead, and all those who come to him, he imputes, by the power of the Holy Spirit, his perfect righteousness. 

Jesus takes our sin, and then in return gives us his perfect righteousness, known as the "glorious exchange." We will never truly thirst again. Why? 

On the cross, God allowed his son to thirst to death.  

"My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" ( Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Psalm 22:1 ) 

In the dry seasons, it only feels like God has abandoned us; when in fact, the living water has never left us. His Word promises that in deed he has not and never will. 


He abandoned Jesus, so he wouldn't have to abandon us. 

This Gospel truth received into our hearts is the strength that pushes us through the dry seasons and into the refreshing waters no matter what we are walking through. We grieve in the wilderness, but with a godly grief, a grief that always ends in hope. 


"Amazing love! how can it be

That Thou, my God, would die for me!

Long my imprisoned spirit lay

Fast bound in sin and nature's night;

Thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray,

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

My chains fell off, my heart was free;

I rose, went forth and followed Thee."

Charles Wesley 

I love hymns.  


Monday, November 6, 2023

For the Love of People

 "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." ( Proverbs 22:9 ) 

"Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints." ( Jude 3 ) 

Jude's words ring as true today as they did to the first century church, as the young wheat became entangled with weeds and the sheep vulnerable to predatory wolves in wool wardrobes. Not outside the sanctuary, mind you, but sitting within the pews and even preaching to the flock. Jesus warned us before he left that this would happen. ( John 10 ) 

"Ungodly people who pervert the grace of our God," and "deny our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." Strong language from Saint Jude. 

There are many ways the grace of God can be perverted and the beauty of Jesus's atonement denied, and although the cultural problems have changed down through church history, it is the same enemy with the same battle tactics, fighting on the same fronts. Christianity is a fighting faith, not in the physical, but spiritual realm. And Jude reminds us that we must contend for the faith - the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So I would like to continue contending for the faith this morning against one of the western church's worst enemies, the prosperity gospel, and share another November devotional from the late Dr. Keller. 

He brings clarity to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ concerning our money. It is important that folks investigating the claims of Jesus and looking into the Christian faith have the correct facts. I feel like most can see through the false teaching of the word of faith/prosperity gospel preachers we see on TV, whose books litter the bookstands of retail stores, but we can not assume they can. If Jesus told his sheep to be on guard against the wolves, then I believe all of us are susceptible to fall prey to their deception. 

One thing I've learned is that not all wolves know they are wolves. Many actually believe the slop they are spreading. I used to believe that hog wash also; although I look back at myself more of a naive sheep than a wolf. Whatever the case may have been, I ask God to forgive me and keep my wandering feet on the path of life. Anyway, here's Dr. Keller with some very wise counsel from the Scriptures for those looking at the Christian faith from the outside and lest we on the inside fall back into the pit again. 

"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." ( Proverbs 22:9 )

The Blessing of Generosity. The generous will themselves be blessed when they share their food with the poor. Of what does this blessing consists? Generosity that breaks the power of money over you may make you wiser in your financial dealings. 

But the blessing here is surely the increase in the true wealth of love. 

Even at the level of common sense, we feel the most rich when we most love and are loved. Radical generosity is an act of love toward God and toward others that exponentially increases love.

It moves us from seeing money as a currency of status and power to instead seeing it as a currency for loving God and others. We love God with our money when we treat it as his, not ours, and send it out to the things he loves. We love people with our money when we heal and repair lives with it. 

And in the Bible we are blessed the more like God we become. God originally gave us our own lives, then he gave us his Son's life. The more we give away, the more like our God we become. And that is blessed." 

God's Wisdom for Navigating Life ( 307 ) 

"We love people with our money when we heal and repair lives with it." 

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." ( Ephesians 5:1-2 ) 

I think that is a beautiful word for us this Monday morning. 

Gospel clarity. 

Contending for the faith. 

"Keep yourselves in the love of God." ( Jude 21 ) 

Give radically. 

Happy Monday! 🌍

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Of Providence and Prayer

"And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowl full of incense which are the prayers of the saints." ( Revelation 5:8 ) 

Recently I had a revelation that came to me when I was searching the Scriptures attempting to better understand how God's providence and our responsibility work together, how the tension of Philippians 2:12 "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" and "for it is God who works in you both to will and work for his good pleasure," becomes the glorious ebb and flow of our Christian lives. 

And the epiphany was quite simple really, but it just seemed to reach the bottom of my heart that day where I had not grasped it before.

It's like when I tell the Farmer something and he says to me, "You told me that three times already!" And I say, "That's because the first time it went in one ear and out the other. The second time it landed on the surface. By the third time it finally started to make some headway." 

This is just how the human brain works, especially in our current culture with so many things clamoring for our attention. We have to be deliberate about the lost art of meditation, allowing time to let the Word we've read in our study marinate in our brains. It's not a suggestion we see in the Scriptures; it's a commandment. "... meditate ( on the Word ) day and night..." ( Joshua 1:8 ) 

Anyway while I was contemplating all of this, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that God uses our prayers to accomplish his purposes. Now there is still much mystery to this, but something took hold in my heart and lit a fire that has fueled my prayers with an urgency I lacked before. 

"You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessings granted us through the prayers of many." ( 2 Corinthians 1:11 ) 

Somehow knowing I have this part to play in the grand scheme of God's divine will, through my imperfect, broken prayers, even when I can't unravel the mystery of it all, has been a prayer game changer for me. 

One would think this knowledge would stir up one's pride, but it's just the opposite. It's humbling. It births the reality that only God has the power to change a heart, heal a wound, order a step, or stop a disaster, but he has given to his children in the midst of this prayer laboring by his Holy Spirit a power he uses to accomplish these things and many others. ( Ephesians 6:17-18 ) ( Romans 8:27 ) 

And this doesn't mean that God answers our prayers the way we think he should. I believe we will do well to begin our prayers with the prayer Jesus taught us: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done." ( Matthew 6 ) 

His kingdom. His will. Not ours. His will is perfect, and the Bible reminds us that it can't be stopped. "Why bother praying then?" That's easy to answer: Because the Bible commands us to. 

We have a part, but God does it all. ( Philippians 2:12 ) 

Yes, it is that mysterious tension again, one of those paradoxes that blows our minds, but not his. One thing I do know is that in this beautiful, divine partnership of prayer, God is establishing a deeper relationship with us. Can you feel it? Have you experienced it? ( Isaiah 14:7 ) ( Job 42:2 ) 

When the pain is so huge, and the lament so loud, where do we run? Who hears our prayers and catches our tears? Our Father in heaven. 

Hallowed be His Name. His Name is who he is - every inch of his perfect, infinite divinity is found in his Name.

Yes, it is humbling to think that God would stoop so low to not only hear our prayers but use them to accomplish his perfect will. 

But then again God has always been stooping to interact with his fallen creatures, not abandoning them in the Garden, but making a covenant with them. A covenant he knew full well we would never keep, knowing full well, that in the end, he would be the one to keep our part. 

That was his perfect will all along. Not plan B. Plan B is not God's providence. 

And it shouldn't surprise us that God would stoop that low since Jesus was already willing to stoop so low when he entered our world as a man baby to fulfill his Father's will, the Perfect interacting with the imperfect, to live the life we should have lived and to die in our place. 

So God could adopt us. So we could draw near to God and he to us. ( James 4:8 ) ( Hebrews 11:6 ) ( Romans 8:15 ) 

Jesus revealed that the mystery of God's kingdom is found when up becomes down. 

And the kingdom's purposes become fulfilled to the highest heaven, down on our knees. 💜 

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." ( Ephesians 3:20-21 ) 

Happy Weekend.

It's bone broth weather 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Scattering and Gathering

"One person gives freely, yet gains even more: another withholds unduly, and comes to poverty." ( Proverbs 11:24 ) 

In addressing the pitfalls and false teaching of the prosperity gospel that has plagued the western church in recent decades, I felt this morning it would be a good idea to share a short devotional from the late Dr. Tim Keller that I believe brings clarity to the biblical principle of "sowing and reaping" because this is a truth that God built into the structure of his universe at creation. 

It is crucial we understand his definition from his Word and not our own, so what does that principal look like in its biblical, godly form?

That's a great question, and I'm sorry that I have not conveyed this sooner. Dr. Keller brings much clarity to the concept of planting and reaping. As everything in life, it traces back to the motives of our heart. Are we giving to get back or are we giving because it springs from hearts that simply can't help themselves as we think of all God has given to us in the life and death of his Son? 

Scattering And Gathering: "The more you scatter your wealth, the more you gather it, and the more you try to keep it for yourself, the more it dissipates. How could that be? Think of farmers. The more they scatter seed, the more they will reap. And keep in mind that seed comes back in a better form, as harvest you can eat and sell. In the same way, spiritually wise people realize their money is seed, and the only way for them to turn it into real riches is by giving it away in remarkable proportions. ( cf. 2 Corinthians 9:6 ) 

This is not a promise that the more you give away, the more money you will make. Rather the more you give away wisely to ministries and programs that help people spiritually and physically, the more your money becomes the real wealth of changed lives in others and of spiritual health in yourself. And you will be walking in the footsteps of the one who was literally broken and scattered so he could gather us to himself. 

Where have you seen this principle of scattering and gathering illustrated? How?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, your infinite loss on the cross has led to resurrection and infinite gains for us. Give me the faith to follow your path, to disburse and scatter my goods and time for others, and thereby see your grace and life grow in the lives of people around me. Amen" 

We have been richly blessed in Christ Jesus, so we can now be a blessing to others! 

Happy Friday! 🌻