Monday, May 6, 2024

Righteous Wardrobe

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness..." ( 2 Peter 1:3 ) 

Today Pastor Atkins reminded us in his sermon series on faith that we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, and I have been thinking about the reality of this truth and the freedom it brings as Aslan led the way on our walk this afternoon. 

Pastor explained that in Christ, God sees us as if we obeyed all of the righteous requirements of the law, and when God's Word sinks in, it's like a light bulb switches on for us. I get that.  

I never understood the verse in 1 John 5:3: "And his commandments are not burdensome," because secretly I thought they were terribly burdensome. I couldn't obey them; no matter how hard I tried, I always fell short. 

That's why Christ came and lived the perfect life we couldn't live and now at conversion, that life is imputed to us as if we lived it. I see now that when we find the commandments of God impossible and crushing, then we are on our way to understanding the grace, mercy, and love of God in sending Jesus, and the magnitude of what he has done for us. 

Now the commandments are not burdensome to me because of the knowledge of Christ's perfect life and power in me helping me to obey, and the law becomes not a burden, but the glorious lamp from Psalm 119:105 guiding my feet in the right direction and illuminating my way on this path of faith. 

In my beautiful wardrobe of righteousness. 

Let's remember that this week.

We are clothed in Christ's righteousness. 💜

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