Monday, May 13, 2024


"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." ( Galatians 5:24 )

Since yesterday was Mother's Day, I was thinking about my mom a lot. Several years before she died we started meeting regularly for breakfast since both of us were up with the chickens. I remember one day when we were sitting there sipping our coffee at Famous A's mom said, "I just don't understand all of this 'crucify the flesh stuff.'" 

I laughed so hard at her. I said, "Mom, what do mean 'crucify the flesh stuff'? That's a verse in the Bible!" 

"What exactly does this mean because it sounds gruesome." I think that's what she was thinking. I've found this sanctification process in the believer's life to be as mysterious as it is messy. I know it is in mine. It's another one of those "already, but not now kingdom" things. We must become what we are. Mom couldn't quite wrap her mind around the concept, and yet, I believe she was doing it. 

I believe she was crucifying her flesh every time she met God in the morning with prayer and Bible reading, every time she wrote passages on index cards, reciting them to herself until the truth was driven deep and took hold. 

Every time she worshiped with her church family and sat under biblical teaching. Every time she met with her ladies's grace group and allowed other sisters to speak into her life. Every time she listened to someone's story and stepped inside of their pain. Every time she refused to give into gossip or anger or any sin because it so easily entangles. Every time she clung to Jesus in difficulties. Every time she wrote a check for the offering and to help the poor and needy or baked gingerbread for the mission yard sale and her grandkids.  

And you know what? In Christ, you're doing it too - you just might not realize it. You're indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God, and he's helping you crucify the flesh daily by strengthen your spiritual bones through these means of grace. He's helping you become what you already are in Christ Jesus. 

Keep running the race, my friend. 

It's so worth it. You'll see one day. 

Don't give up - you're doing great! 

Happy Monday! 


A blast from the past - training little Shasta with the chickens.


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