Saturday, May 11, 2024

"What He's Done"

When I show up for a visit with my grandkids, they come running down the stairs to greet me. My oldest granddaughter jumps up into my arms and will put her head on my shoulder and just hold onto me for several minutes. And I always think to myself, "now I can die happy." lol

I believe this is a picture of how we are to love God. In the morning come running to greet him and just lay our heads upon his strong shoulder, clinging to him, thanking him over and over for all he has done for us. I think of the words from a worship song my church recently sang:

"What he's done. What he's done. All the glory and the honor to the Son. My sins are forgiven. My future is heaven. I praise God for what he's done." 

I want to be like Meadow in the morning and just lay my head on Jesus's shoulder and love him and thank him over and over for what he has done. I want the raw reality to sink in. Loving him, not for what he can give me or do for me, my goodness, but for what he has already done, loving him just for him. 

My mom didn't always get her theology straight, no one does perfectly, but she got her relationship with Jesus straight. If you knew her you know what I mean. It was a solid faith built through years of depending on him in unanswered suffering and deep darkness. I watched God transform my mother through the years. She emerged from her pain as a shining light that lit up any room she entered as she was more than willing to hold Jesus out for others.

That's the legacy my mom left to me. As a young child, she held Jesus out to me, and even though it would be years until I came to faith in Christ, my mother planted and watered her little seeds and prayed. 

And now I praise God for what he has done! 

Thanks, Mom, I miss you terribly. 💔


Happy Mother's Day 🌸

Sunflowers were her favorite. 

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